Harmony started her remedy on 1/21 and completed it as instructed. I phoned her on 1/22 while we were on vacation and she seemed to be the same as far as demeanor. I asked her how she felt and she said that she was a little light headed but fine otherwise.
In my subsequent calls to her while we were traveling she seemed to take on a air of being much more grown up and wanting to take on more responsibility.
We returned home 1/26 and she was very caring toward her Sister which is something new as they usually have regular spats. I do believe now that this was more for my benefit than anything.
1/27 - Harmony is very emotional today, she cried and ran to her room after I got upset with her Sister for not clearing the table for dinner (asked her 5 times to remove her books).
I sat down and spoke with her and she said that she didn't like yelling and I apologized.
7:30 - The girls got in the hot tub for about 10 minutes and then came in, about 30 minutes later Harmony complained of a severe headache. I gave her some Childrens' Tylenol and it subsided. She went to bed as normal..